How to improve Psychic abilities

Improving our psychic abilities is a very interesting criterion that develops our inner abilities of thinking, relating to mind and our actions thereby.
Every individual is bestowed with some psychic abilities, its we who need to analyze, realize and  practice them for our betterment.
We can improve our psychic abilities, by practicing methods for controlling our thinking process. These can simply include, some kind of meditation that suits you, that gives you peace, reading some kind of innovative books, work in groups to learn new things, and working on puzzles, games and exercises that improve your brain activity.

Relation between psyche and health

As we all know, Psyche and health are closely related.
Our brain is the central part of nervous system that controls and thereby regulates all other bodily activities. So, for a healthy body, maintaining a healthy mind is always important. That is how we can maintain total health.
Our mind can function well, only if it is well fed with all the required nutrients and ofcourse when it is maintained stress free. Also our physical activity should always balance the mental activity, that we get face in our daily life. Ours is a body mind system, what ever the mind says and believes in, the body can achieve; likewise, healthy body regulates healthy psyche. Therefore, we have to nourish both our psyche and body, in a positive healthy environment.

What is good health?

Good health is not just being physically strong and/or mentally capable, it is infact the combination of physical and mental strengths that generate best of our capabilities within us.
Its quite obvious that we need to maintain good physical condition along with a healthy psychic mind. Only then one can face the day to day challenges effectively and will be capable to succeed.
But fact remains that its not easy to maintain a good health in this modern culture, where we don,t get healthy food and do not have time to exercise regularly. To make it worse, we have to face excessive stress, both mental and physical.
All we can do is to plan things well and maintain a healthy daily routine, and make sure you stick to it.
Because health is wealth afterall, once lost we cannot get it back.

What is Psyche

Psyche refers to the cumulative effect of our mind, soul, breathe and life that builds up our thinking process, actions and personality on the whole. It is our inner self that makes us what we are. Also, its our Psyche that controls our bodily actions.
But the fact is, very few of us know our psychic abilities, we do not really realize our inner strengths. So its quite important to know our psychic abilities, to develop the best of our mental and thereby physical abilities.
We are what we think, on mind, because whatever the mind believes in, the body can achieve.